10 April 2016

Blueberry and Coconut Loaf

You know the way I am doing my Masters in Education, right? Well it's normally a two year course but four of us are doing it in one year (because I don't know... we like to punish ourselves!) and there are only five weeks left of lecture contact time. Five weeks.. Which is just crazy when you think that I thought this time would never come in the thick of assignments at Christmas! 

It's not that things have slowed down, but it's more that assignment deadlines are looming and I am actually on top on them. Not on top of the actual 25,000 word thesis itself but you know the rest of the stuff I have to do.. I am getting covered! Basically this warbling means that I had time to bake.. actual real life time. Not borrowed, begged or stolen. Actual time. 

I chose a simple one bowl, minimal cleaning kind of bake because lets face it, with real time to spare I should be as productive in as many ways as possible. 

That's right nails... I am looking at you for painting!

This bake won't cost much time at all. It is soft and sweet and delicious. The butter crumb on the top, bakes to this crispy coat that just melts in your mouth as you eat it. You could sub in any berry you liked really, or leave the berries out altogether and add the juice and zest of one lime... It's a really good, one bowl, go-to recipe.

Blueberry and Coconut Loaf
225g caster sugar
275g self raising flour
2 large free range eggs
175ml buttermilk
125ml of sunflower oil
1 tsp baking powder
75g dessicated coconut

Preheat your oven 180C/350F or Gas Mark 4.
Line a 2lb loaf tin with some parchment or loaf liner.
Add all the ingredients above into a bowl and mix with an electric mixer until just combined.
Make the blueberry jam thingy below...

125g fresh blueberries
3 tablespoons of sugar
40ml water

In a pot over a medium heat add the above ingredients and simmer down to a soft mush. Allow to cool for a bit and then fold through the loaf mixture above.

Pop the loaf mixture into the tin.

125g flour
3 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp cold diced butter

Add all the ingredients into a bowl and run the butter through finger tips, mixing with the flour and sugar until you have chunky breadcrumbs.

Sprinkle the crumbs over the top of the loaf in the pan and press down slightly.

Bake in a preheated oven for 35-45 minutes checking for doneness around the 35 minute mark Inserting a skewer in the middle of the cake, should come back out clear. Allow to cool fully in the tine before cutting.

How are things going with you these days? I feel like I haven't caught up with anybody in ages. Let me know what's going in your part of the world... I would love to know.

Nosey so and so that I am!


  1. I love quickbread, this blueberry and coconut concoction looks delicious.

    1. Yup! It really is Laura and so simple to make too!

  2. Ooh I had never thought to make the blueberries into a soft, squishy jam before adding to a loaf. Great idea.

    Well done for feeling on top of your course work! Not much excitement in my part of the world, other than I baked chocolate cookies this evening which didn't really flatten out during baking. They're more of a chocolate brownie lump than a cookie. Not particularly attractive but still tasty.

    1. Oh Jo, I would kill for a chocolate not really a cookie but chocolate lump brownie right now... I feel some days that I am getting places then I read back over what I have done and wonder was I drunk for the last three days? BUUUTTT I am nearly there.

      Few more months, hang in there. (That's me talking to myself!)


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