20 May 2016

Gingerbread And Apricot Loaf

I handed up my final assignments with college, took some much needed downtime in the sunshine with my family and baked this loaf cake last weekend.

I went to work, did my job and caught up with some friends during the week. Then yesterday I was involved in a road traffic accident, where an absolutely reckless driver tried to over take two cars in front of him, with me coming against him, and he lost control of his car and smashed into me.

Pretty crap right.

But then look at all those positives I have had. Because that's what I have to think of this week. The positives. Like being part of this wonderful baking group and getting to bake some wonderful new recipes and concoctions I would have never tried before. And having some serious downtime with my family by forcing myself to rest up and heal.

These things may be little any other week but this week they are the biggest things to me. Cars can be replaced... my family, my friends both off and online, well, they cannot.

This cake was easy out. No fuss.. just put it all together and bobs your uncle. I had to make one change because of a stupid mistake on my part. I knew there was a jar of yellow/orangey jam in the fridge. My minds eye assumed it to be marmalade, like the recipe called for...

It wasn't.

It was apricot so I have substituted the marmalade that should have been in Maida's Recipe for apricot jam instead. Still tasted great though... and that's all the matters in these things!

Loaf Cake

280g self raising flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tbsp rum
125g butter
125ml honey
half a jar of apricot jam
2  large free range eggs

Line a 9 inch loaf pan with a loaf liner of parchment.
Preheat your oven to 180C/350F or gas mark 4.
In a bowl sift all the dry ingredients together.
Cream the butter with a electric mixer (or by hand if you're strong armed and not lazy like me!). Add the honey and mix. Add the jam and mix, scraping down the sides of the bowl as you go and only mixing until blended through.
Add half the dry ingredients and mix.
Then add in one egg to just mixed, scraping down the sides as you go. Add the rest of the dry ingredients and the other egg.
Fold in the rum and spoon out into the tin. Level the top of the mix.

Bake for 40-50 minutes depending on your oven. Check that it's done by inserting a skewer in the middle of the cake. It should come out clear.

Cool on the rack in the tin for 10 minutes then flip it out and allow to cool fully upside down.

It's this very pale, honey coloured, ginger flavoured loaf with a warming sensation. It was so delicious the following day, toasted and smothered in butter. I am very partial to next-day-loaf and especially a loaf cake that can be toasted, so this one checked a good few boxes for me!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

Enjoy it, whatever you decide to do and if your plan is to do nothing at all, be sure to enjoy that also!!


  1. So sorry to hear about your accident Hazel, but glad you are okay. I wanted to make this cake too and this is exactly how I imagined it. Pretty certain I would love it too.

    1. Thanks Gina x Oh it was yum alright!! I just love a cake I can toast..

  2. Mine's just come out of the oven and if it looks as light and fluffy on the inside like your does then I'm in for a treat! Hope your feeling better and not too sore.

    1. Oh I bet the smell in your kitchen was delicious Laura!

  3. So sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are OK. That really stinks that the other driver was so reckless!
    Love the loaf, particularly that you added apricots. Looks beautiful!

    1. Ah Elle, it was a bit rubbish alright but I am determined to get better fast! Thanks for stopping by x

  4. Sorry to hear about the accident. I hope that you are alright. Take care of yourself. xx

    1. Thank you Amy! I hope all is well xxx

  5. So glad to hear you're ok! What a scary experience.

    Your loaf looks gorgeously fluffy. A warm slice smothered in butter sounds pretty heavenly.

    1. Jo you are welcome to mine anytime.. :) I think you and I are cake companions! Hahaha!

  6. First and foremost, hope you are well again after that horrid accident. Secondly, you need to add your post to the linky! :P

    Your apricot-gingerbread loaf looks FAB!

    1. Thank you Emily.. I totally forgot!! Medication scrambling my brain!! X

  7. I had it baked last week but not the post written.. It was a good thing I was forced to slow down Annabelle! Thanks hunny x

  8. I am so glad you were ok! Your cake looks lovely and I'll bet the apricot was delicious in it. One orange sticky jar can easily take the place of the next, right?!

    1. I reckon that's the idea Carlee.. They look so alike, why not! Haha!


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