22 June 2016

Oreo Cookies Cake

Short and sweet today folks. I have a timeline that needs sticking too and writing deadlines that I have set myself with my thesis so it's going to be a flying visit today! I need to to be strong with myself because as you all know I am partial to the aul' warble, but with the warbling not being the best thing for thesis writing I need to check myself. So this post.. another addition to from The Cake Slice Bakers will straight to the point.

This cake. Hmmmm... this cake... bored me?? I think that's right. 

It was received very well by my family, who finished it , not a crumb to be seen within two days of being baked. Husband felt it important to use expletives when describing both taste and texture and Dolly felt it best eaten when partnered with a glass of cold milk. For me... Meh.

Maybe it was because I didn't use the the chocolate glaze atop. I felt the tin was too pretty to cover up. Or maybe because I didn't dust in icing sugar.. again. Tin. Too. Pretty. Or maybe it's because I am used to pushing myself with this baking group and for the last few bakes, due to faults I can clearly rectify, I have chosen easy option, ingredients-in-pantry and just got complacent. Either way this cake didn't do it for me.... Was grand like. 

Maybe you will fare out better. 

Oreo Cookies Cake-
adapted from Maida Heatters Cakes pg 82

15 Oreo Cookies, cut into quarters
330g self-raising flour
1tsp Bicarb of soda
225g butter, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
300g Caster sugar
3 Large eggs
250ml Sour cream

Pre-heat the oven to 175C/350F Gas Mark 4 and grease a large bundt tin with cake release spray and set aside.
Soften the butter for a couple of minutes in the mixer add the sugar and continue to mix until smooth, creamy and fluffy.
Add the vanilla and almond extracts and mix until just in.
Add the eggs one at time mixing well after each addition and scraping down the bowl with a spatula after each egg goes in.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, bicarbonate of soda and the salt.
Starting and ending with dry ingredients add the flour to the wet mixture mixing until just combined followed by half the sour cream, mixing until just combined. Once everything has been added, scrape down the sides of the bowl and give a final stir using a spatula.

Add about 1/3 of the batter to the cake tin and smooth over, dump a handful of the Oreo cookies into the mix in the bundt and then add the rest of the cut up Oreo's into the remaining cake batter. Add this cake batter to the tin. Smooth over the top with the back of a spoon and bake for 1 hr or until a cake tester inserted into the deepest part of the tin comes out clean. (It took my cake 47 minutes to reach this point.)

Leave the tin on a wire rack to cool for 15 minutes,  then carefully turn the cake out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

You might like it if you tried it, but for me it was a no. Onward and upwards right?


  1. The glaze definitely turns this into something more special, but if you are anything like me you probably won't want to be bothered trying again when there are so many wonderful more cakes to bake. I felt like that about the Brownie cheesecake.

    1. yup you are right... I won't, but glad to hear the glaze made it something!

  2. Hi Hazel,
    Yes, with that lovely design, less is more! I just got myself a Garland mini bundt pan of six - two of each design and one of them is this bundt design of yours!

    1. OH Emily!! I can't wait to see.. I must start investing in minis. I feel like I covet your collection a tad too much! haha!!

  3. It looks great. I remember being underwhelmed when I made it too.

    1. yeah.. I am glad I'm not the only one! Thanks Philip x

  4. The tin is pretty... but I am an icing girl so I would have needed a little something more too. However, it can't be all bad with Oreos in it and if it disappeared in two days it couldn't have been too bad!

    1. That's exactly the thing, my family liked it.. maybe I am just too hard to please!! Thanks Carlee x

  5. The icing really does help the cake make it more special, I did enjoy it on its own though. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it.

    1. I get the feeling the icing is almost necessary.. not to worry next month I am pushing the boat out!!

  6. It will be Anabel I am very excited about already!!


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