04 January 2017

Bird Seed Breakfast Cookie

Happy New Year my lovelies. Is anyone else glad that 2016 ended and the joys of the new and unexplored in 2017 came through? I was so tired by the end of 2016 I had to rest. But I am full of the feelings of new now and while I usually feel apathetic about January, I am looking forward to a good month ahead.

I am not one for resolutions but do firmly believe in positive intentions. I am choosing a word this year and focusing myself therein.

I have chosen "environmental".. and I feel it is an overarching concept.

My idea is to positively and consciously enter 2017 with efforts to protect, supplement and enhance my environment. And as a consequence, the wider environment.  I plan to reduce, reuse and recycle where possible. I plan to de-clutter my home, donating what we no longer use or need and in turn de-clutter my mind and heart. I plan on buying and making consumer choices based on what is good for our environment, our planet and the people that live on it. Shopping local and supporting my community.

I am sure a lot of you do a lot of this kind of thing already, but for me 2017, is going to be the year where I think seriously before I do.

And I guess it's gonna take some energy sooo... (enter seemless seque...)

These bird seed breakfast cookies are perfect for setting you up for the day! Healthy, nutritious and super delicious, almost like I am writing a jingle for them... They are chock full of oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit, all super boost foods. They are vegan, gluten, dairy and refined sugar free and they make a great on the go breakfast, perfect to pop into lunch boxes for work or school or to crumble over your favourite yoghurt.

Taking just a half hour to make, they are super quick and easy to knock out for the week ahead! Give them a go. You can substitute the nuts, berries, seeds for what you like here really just ensure your quantities stay the same!

Bird Seed Breakfast Cookies

190g smooth peanut butter
100ml coconut oil, melted
85ml honey or maple syrup

180g whole grain porridge oats (ensure yours are gluten free)
1 mashed banana (or 1 beaten egg, but then they won’t be vegan)
115g raisins (or other dried fruits you like)
125g seeds of your choice (I used sunflower, ghia and pumpkin seeds)
125g nuts of your choice (I used pecan, pine and flaked almonds)
40g ground flaxseed

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon sea salt (but omit the salt if you use salted nuts above)

Preheat your oven to 150C(fan) 160C, 325F or Gas Mark 3. Line two flat baking trays with parchment and leave to one side.
Combine the peanut butter, coconut oil and honey (or maple syrup) until smooth. Add in the mashed banana (or beaten egg if using) and mix again.
Place all the dry ingredients (oats, nuts, seeds etc) into a large bowl and toss in the cinnamon and sea salt. Mix through the wet mixture until evenly coated and a big sticky mess.

Drop about tablespoon sized scoops of the sticky mixture onto a baking sheet and flatten them down using a piece of parchment to protect your hands. The cookies won’t spread when they are baking so you should fit 8 on a regular baking tray.

Bake for about 12-15 minutes until edges are lightly browned.

Let cookies to cool completely on the baking tray before removing. Keep them for up to a week in an air-tight storage container.

Tell me what your plans for 2017 are? Have you any resolutions made or do you make a positive intention like me?

Here's to new beginnings! 

1 comment:

  1. I have positive intentions to eat better, buy less and clear my home of clutter. These cookies do sound wholesome but I fear I would eat more than one at a time!


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