17 March 2017

Saint Pat's Macs...

Never in a million years would I have called St Patrick's Day, St. Pat's but anything more that St Pat's Macs didn't have the same ring to it, you know!

I was messing about a few weeks back with Swiss Meringue Buttercream and though I needed to pair it with something nice. My boy had asked would I make him macaron. He doesn't like the cream fillings but does go through a fair amount of the shells and I figured, the green macaron, the jar of store bought lime curd I had in the fridge and the coconut SMBC would pair up nicely. And I was right. The lime cuts through any major sweetness in the buttercream and the buttercream itself helps keep the whole mouthful light, soft and silky.

Nothing too traditional here this St Patrick's Day but we are never ones to go exactly with the grain!

Green Macaron Shells

115g ground almonds
230g icing sugar 
140g egg whites, large free-range, room temp
70g caster sugar
pinch of salt
drop of green GEL food colouring

Pre-heat your oven to 140C/280F or Gas Mark 3.
Pulse together the ground almonds and icing sugar in a food processor, until very fine. If any big lumps remain, sift the mix through a sifter and set to one side.

Place egg whites, sugar and salt into a super clean bowl and whip with a whisk attachment on low speed (that’s 4 on my KitchenAid) for 3 minutes. It should look like foam by the end bubbly  and frothy.

Increase the speed on the mixer to medium-high (it’s about a 7 on my Kitchen Aid) for another three minutes. It should start looking like shaving foam. Finally increase the speed to high (which is an 8 on my KitchenAid) for another 3 minutes. It is going to really stiffen up and clumps into the whisk attachment.

Add in the gel food colouring and whip at the highest setting for another minute **Remember, by now if you have not reached a stiff meringue, dump the eggs  and start over with new egg whites and a washed clean bowl.**

Pop the dry ingredients into the meringue and using a rubber spatula gently fold the meringue in through the dry mix.

Use circular folding hand movements, bring in the meringue from the sides of the bowl through the powder mix and through the middle of the bowl. You will need a maximum of 25-30 folds. Stop after this, even it’s still a little lumpy.. it’s ok.

Fill up a piping bag with a couple of spoons on the batter and pipe circles onto parchment lined baking trays in small  discs with gaps of about 3-4 cm in between each.

Lift up the tray once piped and tap it against the counter tops twice, turn the sheet and give it another two good whacks. Pop the trays someplace warm and let them form a skin for at least half and hour. They should be dry to touch before you put them in your oven. Once dry, bake for 12-14 minutes.

They’ll be done when the tops have crisped up and you can gently wiggle them from side to side on the parchment.

Once baked, pull them out and let the shells cool on their trays until cold. Gently remove and fill with your favourite fillings.

Coconut Swiss Meringue Buttercream 

280g granulated sugar
454g very soft unsalted butter
6 large egg whites
1 tsp coconut essence

Place the egg whites and the sugar into the bowl of the mixer and give it a good whisk. It will be thick and gloopy but will thin out as it is cooked. 
Using a double boiler method, over simmering water, heat the mixture until the sugar has dissolved is hot to touch and the mixture is silky to feel, it should reach 130F on candy thermometer.
Remove from the heat and whisk on a medium speed for about 5 minutes.
Move to a faster setting and whisk until think and glossy and stiff peaks form like that of meringue. This should take about 6-8 minutes.

Reduce the speed and add the very soft butter, a spoonful at a time. It will curdle, and this is ok, but just keep mixing until it is smooth. Add the coconut and keep whisking until soft and silky

Fill one shell of each macron pair with a swirl of buttercream and top with a dollop of lime curd. Sandwich the top of the shell onto the cream and curd and hey presto.. St. Pat's Macs are ready to go! 

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my family, friends and to you my lovelies! 

Thank you as always, for stopping by and gracing this little corner with your presence. I hope that whatever part of the world you are in, it's green and happy and that the luck of the Irish spreads your way!!


  1. Happy St Patrick's day to you too! They look very tempting!

  2. These look delicious!

    -Kevin H.


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