20 April 2017

Lime and Pistachio Loaf

At the start of this year I decided to be more environmental, that meant,  for me, consuming less and making do with more. More of what I had in the pantry, finishing tubes and potions off to the end before replacing, bringing my travel coffee cup with me everywhere I go so I am not buying a new cup on the go. So far, with a few minor slip ups on the coffee cup front, I have been doing good.

I have helped myself notice how little I need to live with, what little 'stuff' I genuinely need. How content I am with being part of the everyday ebb and flow, taking life as it comes. That's not to say I am some kind of superwoman, converted to this new lifestyle but I feel a lot less anchored to 'stuff' these days. I am definitely learning to live without.

Soooo.. and I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't read the recipe properly on this one.. or did read it ages ago, decided  I was making it and totally flaked on the fact the original recipe calls for lemons too.

My bad.

Going to chalk that down to good old age, brain fuzz and maybe the million other things life throws at you at any given time. But I was going to make it regardless because I had everything else that I needed in the pantry and was content with doing without the lemons.

Lime and Pistachio Loaf- 
adapted from World Class cakes pg 75

3 large eggs
180g caster sugar
225g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
125ml vegetable oil (or 125g soft salted butter)
175g crushed pistachio nuts
zest and juice of two limes

Preheat your oven to 180C/350F or Gas Mark 4. Line or grease and flour a 2 lb loaf pan, or two 1 lb loaf pan. Ideally the 2 lb is better as the mixture doesn't quite make two high sliced 1 lb loaf. I divided it, but retrospectively should have just made one loaf.

Start by beating the eggs until they have doubled in volume and are thick and mousy looking.
Add the sugar, a bit at a time and continue to beat the eggs.

**If  using the butter, cream the butter and suagr together until light and fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time scraping down the bowl as you go.**

Add the flour and baking powder, followed by the oil (not required if using butter) and fold through, until one homogeneous mess.
Remove from the mixer and fold through 3/4 of the nuts, all the zest and juice.
Pour into your prepared pans and sprinkle the remaining nuts over the top.

Bake for 30-40 minutes on a low shelf, until the center has cracked and a skewer inserted in the middles comes out clear. Allow to cool in the pan for 15 minutes, before removing to cool fully on a wire rack.

This tastes so much better the next day... if it lasts that long!

This cake was the perfect breakfast loaf. All my guys here loved it.. I am sure the lemon added another zesty flavour to the loaf but the mixture of salty and sweet was just divine! I will definitely make this one again as I was very happy with the results.

A soft fluffy cake, with a fresh zesty, salty bite! Ticks off everything in my books!


  1. This was my first choice but I was not liking having to buy pistachios for it! Looks yummy!

  2. Beautiful photos! The cake looks great and interesting choice on the lime. I take liberties with recipes, too - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! Looks like it worked on this one.

  3. I love the sound of this and think that lime sounds perfect with pistachios. I love a loaf cake too!

  4. You have me sold! This was a strong possibility for this month's bake, but like you decided to bake what I had on hand. Now I want a bite of this too!

  5. Glad you baked this...I was wondering how it was. Sounds delicious and fine without the lemon. Impressed with you way of looking at the world with less emphasis on 'stuff'. Heading that way myself. I think it gets easier with time.

  6. Beautiful clear pictures. Great post on stuff that matters, or don't!

  7. Oo that turned out beautifully! I subbed limes in my recipe this month too. Mostly because I didn't want to go to the store. Love your emphasis on living with less stuff, we lived in a tiny house on wheels (250 sqft) and sold everything but what we needed. Best experience ever!

  8. This was the cake I was going to bake, but like Sarah, I didn't want to buy expensive pistachios. After the "fun" I had with my cake, and seeing how beautifully yours turned out I kind of wish had just bought the nuts.


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