14 May 2017

Chocolate Chip Banana Blondies

Oh wow May you are sneaking away! You guys, are you still there?!! I can't believe it's been so long since I actually baked for this blog... but I promise- it was something I could not help.

What a whirlwind time March and April have been. To be honest I have no idea where that time even went. I have been baking and baking and eeerr... baking some more and anyone following my Instagram will know that but no I am back here now ... like it's no big thang and I'm just gonna scooch back on up in here like I have never been away!!

But you know, as well as I know, that, that wouldn't be ok if I didn't come bearing some sort of  "hey-guys-remember-me?" cake! So I baked for you fine folks. My first in fun time baking, in a long, long while and I baked it with all of you in mind!

It's one of those early summer time treats that is so good at any time of the day. It has the muffin feel to the crumb, soft and moist, perfect for breakfast. Because ya'll know how much I like cake for breakfast. Lets just say it's a great tray bake cake, very pleasant on the palate and you can eat it whenever you feel you want to! There'll be no judgement round these parts!

I am so glad to be back baking for my little blog. While this time at school is crazy and my own Dolly is heading down the State Exams road, it's going to get busier before it levels off. And I cannot wait until it levels off.

Here's to the resumption of normal!

Chocolate Chip Banana Blondies 

125g soft butter
125g caster sugar
2 large eggs
275g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 ripe bananas mashed
1 bag chocolate chips

Preheat your oven 180C/350F or Gas Mark 4.
Line a 9 inch square pan with some parchment.
Mash the bananas in a bowl.
Add the sugar and butter into bowl and mix with an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Add the eggs and mix. Whisk the flour, ground almonds, baking powder and baking soda together and add to the wet mix. Fold through.

Add the milk and the mashed bananas and mix until fully incorporated. Transfer to your pan.

Bake in your preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, until the top is golden and crusted or a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clear.

Allow to cool in the tin for at least 15 minutes, before removing to a wire rack to cool fully before slicing.

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