20 August 2017

Olive Oil Cake- Gluten and Dairy Free

What a month it's been!

Can you believe school is back next week already.. I am not even prepared for that! But I am prepared for getting back into our aul' routine. And the kids not wanting to eat every hour of the day because they are bored, or it's rainy or they just plain don't know what to do with themselves.

I have pottered about this month. dipping in and out of social media, spending time with my babies and family and enjoying what's left of the summer. Though as I type this, Autumn is well on it's way and the blanket I have wrapped 'round my shoulders is doing it's best to keep the damp and cold at bay.

The cake I choose for this months edition of The Cake Slice Baker's almost resembles that feeling of the blanket. I adapted it to be gluten free and dairy free also as I am struggling with recipes for friends who are coming into allergies. While made with peaches in the book, I opted to leave them out. I am the only one in the house who likes peaches and to be honest, eating a whole cake by myself is not good for my health.


I know right!! Shocked me too!!

This Olive Oil Cake is a beautiful cake though. I photographed it early morning before anyone was up,  mug of coffee in hand nibbling on the crumbs as they fell off. Maybe I am biased but I was really in tune with the cake and the dawn chorus and I felt that next day charm worked had really worked it's magic on this cake.. once the crumb had settled it tasted so great.

Roger Pizey and his book World Class Cakes is just wonderful. I am really enjoying baking through with different skill levels catered for on every page. Although some of the timings have caused concern with some of the bakes, I think we all know our own ovens best and can alter as we see fit. It won't be long until the autumn will be here and our journey with Roger will come to an end!

Olive Oil Cake
adapted from pg 83 World Class Cakes
(regular recipe in brackets)

3 eggs
1 tbsp finely grated orange zest
300g caster sugar
125ml olive oil
125ml almond milk (125ml whole milk)
128g gluten free flour (128g plain flour)
125g ground almond flour (128g self raising flour)

Preheat the oven to 180C/ 350F or Gas mark 4
Grease an 8 inch spring form, round pan.
Beat the eggs together with the sugar and the zest until well combined.
Sift the flour with the ground almonds, removing and coarse bits.
Alternating between the wet ingredients and dry, add these to the egg/sugar mixture.

Spoon the batter into the prepared tin and bake in your preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool and then turn out onto a wire rack.

Before serving, sprinkle in icing sugar. Enjoy with your morning coffee or tea!


  1. Autumn is there? I'm jealous - it's 97 degrees here and not a snowflake in sight! Enjoyed your cake - I also am looking for good gluten-free recipes for friends.

    1. I wish we had some of that heat but alas.. Ireland is green for a reason.. our RAIN!!! GF baking is so hard.. but I am building and experimenting. If you have nay nice recipes to share, I would love some Susan XXX

  2. I've yet to write up my post for this cake but it is interesting to see how it has turned out for different people. I confess I have had issues with the recipes in this book which was one of the reasons I'd fallen by the wayside but it was good to be joining in again.

    1. I know how you feel! I felt like that with Maida, but I am enjoying this book, even just reading the notes and looking at the pictures is fun :)

  3. I also am looking for good gluten-free recipes for friends.


  4. It is such a cozy post! I would love to have to be covered with a blanket in the morning, drinking coffee and eating cake!! I will certainly pass this version on to my daughters who are going the gluten free and dairy free (due to kids' allergies) phase. TQ!

  5. It will be great to have your adapted recipe handy when there is someone I need to bake for that has a food sensitivity. It looks fantastic.


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