16 August 2015

Sugar Cookie Fairy Bread

In our house we have a fairy door and behind that fairy door lives a little fairy called Amy. We don't know what kind of fairy she is, how she came about to pick her spot at the end of our stairs, but her door is there and we say hello to her when we pass. 

Amy, loves baking. We just know she does so when we knew this week was biscuits on the Bake Off, we knew exactly what we were making. 

We reckon she's friends with or works with the tooth fairy. Works all night long collecting teeth and then needs to sleep during the day. That's why, when we knock, she doesn't come to the door. 

We always let Amy know when we make fairy bread. We know it's her favourite because when we have left some small bits out for her to eat. They are always gone, lickety split!

Sugar Cookie- (Minus the hundreds and thousands this is your base sugar cookie recipe)

225g soft salted butter
225g plain flour
125g cornflour
85g caster sugar

Couple handfuls of hundreds and thousands, or to your taste.

Preheat the oven to 150C/ 300F or gas mark 2.
Dry whisk the flour, cornflour, salt, sugar and hundreds and thousands until fully mixed.
Work in the butter a little a t a time until it forms a dough ball.
On a piece of floured parchment, roll out the dough and cut out 12 cookies.
Place on a lined baking sheet and sprinkle the extra caster sugar over the top of each cookie.
Bake for 40-45 minutes until firm and just starting to colour.

Allow to cool on tray for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack

Linking these magical little treats up with all the bloggers and Jenny of MummyMishaps of the Great British Bake Off Bloggers 2015!

Andrea from the lovely blog All You Need is Love and Cake is our fine host this week, so why not pop on over and see what all the other bloggers made...


  1. awwww these are not only an adorable concept but they just look so pretty and would go down a treat with any child (big or small!!)
    i must remember your basic sugar cookie recipe !!
    thank you for linking up - beautiful photos x

  2. I bet my daughter would love these, especially with the sprinkles making them so colourful x

  3. These are so pretty and I bet they go great with a cup of tea! I love fairy doors and loved reading your story about Amy the Fairy.
    Have a lovely week Hazel,
    Sarah x

  4. Awww these are so cute. I've never tried baking sprinkles into biscuits.

  5. I have never heard of corn flour in cookies, I am definitely going to make these with Hannah!


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