23 September 2015

Sweet Potato Baby Cakes with Caramel Sauce

"What's in them again?" she said. "Do you like them?" I said. "Yeah, they're nice but what's in them?". "Sweet Potato" I said.

"I don't really like them anymore." And the aversion to basically any kind of vegetable in my house continues.

I am one of those people that will try anything. I will try, to try it anyway. If that makes sense.

There are some foodie things that scare me, and I would probably avoid getting myself into the situation where I might have to try said scarey food. But on the whole, I like to try and eat new things. My kids and husband on the other hand, know what they know and like what they like and are very hard to sway. They do eat a variety of foods, don't get me wrong but when it comes to veg.. I am basically out on my own.

And a shame too because these little, baby cakes were delicious.

Sweet Potato Baby Cakes

125g butter
250g sugar
2 large eggs
310g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
450g sweet potato, mashed and cooled (about 2 medium sweet potatoes)
85ml buttermilk

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F or Gas Mark 4.
Beat the butter and the sugar until smooth and add the eggs one at a time until fully blended.
Combine the flour and and baking powder and spices and then add half the flour mixture to the sugar/butter mixture.
Add the vanilla, sweet potato and buttermilk and mix until completely blended together.
Add the rest of flour and mix until smooth.
Spray a 12 hole muffin tin with quick release spray and dust with flour. (or rub the sides with butter and again, dust with flour).
Fill the muffin pan to two-thirds full and bake for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool in the tins for 5 minutes and top each of the warm cakes with caramel sauce and crushed pecans.

Caramel Sauce

Cook 125g butter and 180g of light brown sugar in a medium non stick pan over a medium heat for two to three minutes, until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Whisk in a cup of double cream and bring the entire thing to a light boil. stirring constantly.

Turn off the heat and allow to stand on the cooker top until it's cooled slightly, stirring often.

Swing by and check out what the other CakeSlice Bakers picked for their September option.

There's only one month left with our book, The Southern Cake Book, I have thoroughly enjoyed it! Make sure you pop by next month.. or before that! I would love if you popped by often.. It's a free choice month so it'll be excellent to see they different bakers pick out their favourite bakes!


  1. Oh my, these looks perfect and delish! Sweet potato cakes been on my mind for the longest time!

    1. These were great!! I really enjoyed them and would definitely recommend them too!

  2. This choice seems to be very popular this month, I can see why and it looks so good! Laura@ Baking in Pyjamas

    1. Thanks Laura.. quick bakes on a busy month! Worth it!

  3. I like trying new things too, but hubby seems more like your hubby :) I would like to try the sweet potatoes cakes, I used sweet potatoes only in brownies and they were delicious.

    1. Ohhh I must try it with brownies.. they sound like they could be great!

  4. These are awesome and I'm so glad I chose them as well. Yours came out perfectly!

  5. That caramel sauce did not last.. whatever was left over was eaten off the spoon! It was super!!


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