01 January 2016

Hello 2016...

A wrap it up posts of sorts. No promises, gimmicks or resolutions just a few thoughts and notions about the year that was 2015. I have included some of my favourite bakes over the past few months... For posterity you see. 

I want to start out by thanking each and everyone of you fine folk for dropping by. I always get overwhelmed by the amount of people who pass through, by their kind words and thoughtfulness in their comments. It's been a busy year, this past one. Busy in the best way! So many new journeys and experiences and a lot of things learned along they way...

  • Starting a new blog has given my writing a lot more focus
  • Focusing on the new blog of late, has been dismal to say the least
  • Keeping functional lists is a huge help in controlling anxiety
  • Multiple lists can be overwhelming and in fact can add to said anxiety
  • Being a one woman show is great
  • Allowing those who surround and love you to help out with your one woman show is even greater
  • Doubting your ability is one of the easiest and most unproductive things to do
  • Genuinely believing you've got this is by far the most liberating option (and also a work in progress!)

But the biggest thing I have learned is that time is so precious. Being present, not just part of the process is something I had never really thought about. I get it now. Between working full time, doing my Masters and my family, there is little time left for other things... but I have noticed the effort I put into my life now is so much more than before. Because I don't have time to waste, not this year. It all counts!

On a side note, and probably one that means nothing to anyone outside of Ireland, owning a really good waterproof jacket ensures you can get away with not having an umbrella. Because I always forget my umbrella but my new snazzy raincoat makes sure I'm covered!!

I want to wish you all  a safe and happy New Year. May 2016 be everything that you hope it to be. That you, your family and all those in between keep well and that we strive to be thoughtful and kind to one another.

While posts may be infrequent, goods will still be baked. They'll have to appear at some stage, I just hope you pop by when you can. The kettle is always on and the cake is always fresh...

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! Here's to a year of happy baking! xx

  2. Such a lovely post Hazel :-) I totally agree with you about the list thing - too many can be overwhelming but a realistic list is far more anxiety friendly! I think your rain coat would be useful here in Yorkshire (and the vast majority of the UK really) given all of the wet weather we've been subjected to.
    Here's to a great 2016, looking forward to seeing the creations you share :-)
    Angela x

  3. Happy new year! I agree about the waterproof coat. They're very useful here in Scotland too!

    I had forgotten about those croquembouche cupcakes.... yummmm.


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