04 September 2016

Lemon and Lavender Shortbread

I figured I would run with the signature bake with this weeks Bake Off bake-along. I didn't fancy anything made out of gingerbread this side of Halloween and Viennese Whirls in the technical just don't float my boat.

I opted for a tried and true shortbread but jazzed these little ladies up with a punch of Lavender.. iced the top, for the iced component, with a soft set lemon icing and painted.... with the the least amount of artistic talent pretty 'lavender sprigs' on top. Just in case you were wondering what they were.

I actually felt really anxious about posting these as I'm not enamored with the painting. Husband, being the ever supportive so and so that he is.. convinced me otherwise. So... My hand painted lavender sprigs need some work, I know... but if you squint a little they kinda look like they might be related to a lavender sprig! Hah! Let's move on...

I haven't picked my favourite bakers in the tent yet either.. you? I am being very lazy about it this year. I was really wrong last year, but this year I am not so sure who I like the best. The minute I like them though, they'll be gone. It's like the Game of Thrones of the baking world. Like them... GONE!

Lemon and Lavender Shortbread

225g soft salted butter
225g plain flour
125g cornflour
85g caster sugar
2 tablespoons of lavender
Pinch of salt
500g icing sugar
4-6 tablespoons lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 150C/300F or Gas Mark 2
Dry whisk the flour, cornflour, salt, sugar and lavender until fully mixed.
Work in the butter a little at a time until it forms soft bread crumbs and pressing gently with your hands, you could form a dough ball.

On floured work surface, roll out the dough and cut out 12-16 biscuits, depending on your biscuit thickness. 
Place on a lined baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes until firm and just starting to colour.
Allow to cool on tray completely then transfer to a wire rack.

Make the lemon glaze by mixing the 500g of icing sugar in with the lemon juice. Dip the biscuits into the glaze, allow to set before serving or before painting random things with food colouring on the top!

The glaze is super runny so I advise letting them drip dry on a wire rack, over a baking pan. Save your counters for some other mess.

What do you think? If you make anything, try the shortbread. It's really delicious. And a great little basic crumbly cookie recipe also. Omit the the lavender, add a teaspoon of vanilla and you are all set for a yummy treat!

If you want to see what the other bakers baked, be sure to hop on over to Jenny at MummyMishaps and wander through the linky!

I also have to acknowledge how very special today is... my Dolly, my baby girl turns 15. My teeny, tiny baby girl who this day all those years ago, changed my world in every conceivable way. 

We get the "but you look like sisters" a lot. Much to my Dolly's absolute dismay. I'm her Momma. The old lady who makes sure she's brushed her teeth, nags her about homework and laundry and chores. I'm also the one who introduced her to Harry Potter, bought her her first set of crayons, showed her how to thread a bobbin and braid her hair. She's my artist. My day dreamer. My fairy.

She's showed me how to hand-stand against the wall. Look for animal tracks in the forest, name plants and do science experiments with most of my baking arsenal! She showed me how to do renaming in maths and paint my nails in colours other than red. 

She's taught me that time spent watching Gilmore Girls on the couch, under a blanket eating popcorn and chocolate until our stomachs ache, is one of the best ways to spend an evening. Or how reading stories in the lamp light, over and over, until we can both recite the pages of the book before we even turn it over, is what being a Momma is all about.

She's my daughter. One of my best friend's and obviously the best big sister a little brother could ask for.

Dolly's taught me so much about myself. Our world. Our little family that I really don't see how I would have got as far as I have without her.

She is mine. My proudest achievement to date. Happy Birthday Doll! 

Every year for as long as I have been baking,, the same birthday cake gets made. Chocolate fudge, chocolate frosting with all the trimmings. This year was no exception... Chocolate fudge cake with chocolate frosting dressed in homemade cookies and baked donuts. I have three photos... THREE, just below!

Teenagers eat cake really fast. I should have taken it out for a photo shoot when I had made it, but no I was just super excited for the party... I'll know for next year!


  1. Well i agree with your husband, I think your hand painted iced biscuits are just gorgeous and much better than I could do for sure! i really like them, and i also like the flavour combination. I remember you making some delicious biscuits last year too :)
    Also many happy returns to your Dolly - I saw a pic of her cake and I almost licked my screen ;)
    thank you for joining in x x x

  2. Lemon and lavender must taste amazing! I think your painting is awesome - looks really 'arty' and cool. Huge happy birthday to Dolly! x

  3. Okay Hazel... first up, I saw your first photo and before I even read a word, I swear I thought "I love the effect of the painted lavender"... so "painterly" if you know what I mean. Let's face it The Impressionists got away with it for years!So, they look great and I'm sure they taste great too. And happy birthday to your beautiful Dolly. That really is some cake!

  4. How pretty Hazel, really really pretty. I bet they tasted amazing too :-)
    Angela x

  5. Your lavender decoration is wonderful Hazel, I think it looks,really artistic, well done. Happy birthday to your daughter too, gorgeous cake!

  6. How pretty!! You make the most beautiful treats! Happy birthday to your daughter as well!

  7. I think these are just so lovely. I was looking at a a rather expensive jug (for a possible wedding present) at the weekend that had flowers painted on it just like these ones. I like the flavour combination too.

  8. I loved lavender flavoured biscuits and these are so pretty :)

  9. They are so so pretty! I think the painted lavender looks great :)


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