25 September 2016

Toffee Apple Bakewell Tart

Does anyone else feel like this has been the longest September? And there's still another week left in it.. I mean come on! Let's be done with you already. Maybe it's because I am nursing this stupid cold for the last two weeks that's making me cranky.. but I just want October to get here so we can be in full autumn swing and start thinking about Halloween bakes!

Apple season however is here and my trees have been laden down with yummy apples. I decided to pick some, make a rough jam and use that as my filling for my technical bake with the GBBObloggers.

And it turned out so lovely.. well.. that I am told. Because I can't actually taste the friggin' thing. But it was given to discerning connoisseurs who's impeccable taste described it as "sweet, cinnamon right? Mmmm..." and "Appley, yeah appley but I like it".  I can taste texture though and I know the pastry over baked a little, the jam is chunky enough to soften it out, so that's a strong balance and the bakewell filling is light and spongy.

A good go, if you'll accept my biased opinion!

Toffee Apple Jam

500g cooking apples chopped up roughly
100g soft brown sugar
15g butter
2 tsps cinnamon or to taste

Put all the ingredienst nto a pot and over a low heat, simmer down to a complete mush. You'll know it's right when is breaks up easy with a fork, if not pulse it for a couple of seconds with a hand held blitzer.

Leave aside, off the heat to cool in the pot until ready to use.

Shortcrust Pastry

240g plain flour
50g icing sugar
150g diced cold butter (+ a little extra for greasing)
1 large egg

Put the flour, butter and icing sugar into a food processor and blitz until looks like breadcrumbs.
Crack in the egg and bring together until a soft ball forms.
Wrap in clingfilm, pat down and leave in fridge for 30 mins.

Preheat your oven to 180C/350F or Gas Mark 4.
Grease up a 8 inch round loose bottom pie tin with butter.
After 30 minutes in the fridge, take it out and roll it out thin, to fit your tin.

Blind bake your pastry case bottom, using pastry beads for about 15-20 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly. Make the almond filling, while you are blind baking your pastry.

Almond Filling

125g softened butter
125g caster sugar
125g ground almonds
50g self raising flour
2 large eggs
1 tsp mixed spice

Cream together the butter and the sugar.
Dry mix the almonds and the self raising flour and add to the mix.
Add the eggs and mix thoroughly until all of the ingredients have been combined.

Once the pastry has blind baked, tip the jam filling into the pastry case and smooth out. Follow with the almond filling and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the top is golden and when touched lightly, springs back.

I decorated the top with some pecan, these are totally optional at this point but do add a nice nutty flavour to the top.

Allow the tart to cool completely in the tin before trying to remove it.

Super Mom Jenny, over at MummyMishaps is again hosting this fine crowd of bloggers, baking along with the Great British Bakeoff. It's bee super fun so far but next week, next week see's a new week, based on botanicals and nature and I have to say I am more than a little excited! I for sure, feel a showstopper coming on!!


  1. I want a slice of this right now... that's all I have to say.

  2. Sorry to hear your not feeling great hope you shift the cold soon. I'm n ot too keen to be October yet, time seems to be shooting by far too fast as it is and I have tons to do in the garden before winter sets in.
    I think this bakewell tart looks fabulous. Ive just come back from my cottage in Suffolk with a huge bag of apples so i'm going to pin this to make later.

  3. Looks great to me! You better get well soon. How torturous to bake all of these yummies and not be able to appreciate them!

  4. I love the sound of this, I would never have thought of using apples xx

  5. Yum it looks and sounds delicious Hazel! I have seen apple butter on Pinterest before and it looks similar to your jam but jam sounds much better and easier to make :-)

  6. Oooh toffee apple jam sounds all kinds of awesome. I would never have thought to make a bakewell variation like this. Perfect for Autumn.

    I'm looking foward to October as well. Mostly because it involves my birthday and some time off, yay! Hope your cold clears off soon.

  7. Ooh no, what a shame you can't taste tour fabulous Bakewell....I love the sound of the flavour combo and the lovely pattern of the pecans adorning it.
    Angela x

  8. oh my goodness me a toffee apple Bakewell tart is genius! toffee apple jam mmmmm it looks and sounds amazing! i love this take on such a classic tart - mmmmmm again! lol
    thank you for linking up #GBBOBloggers2016 x

  9. Yes please! I want some! This looks and sounds so good! x #GBBO

  10. What lovely photos and what an incredible bake - it looks perfect and the toffee apple jam sounds delicious. Star baker status well deserved.

  11. Mmm, this sounds absolutely amazing, looks it too!


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